Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Humans and their Strange ways

There are many customs and ways of people that bemuse me.
For instance, why do people deposit flowers when they visit the graveyard? If only,had they bothered to gift flowers to their loved ones while they were still alive,this world would have been a lot better place.

I would rather have dead flowers while I am breathing than breathing flowers while I am not.


Mainak said...

eh? very philosophical, I must say.

Nevertheless, it is a question of one's beliefs and customs. Flowers are a gesture of love. When we deposit flowers at the graveyard, we wish to show our love for the person who is no longer with us.

Piyush said...

Right..So depositing flowers is just a self pleasure we indulge in to sooth our pain.Its not a gesture of love.Or rather, a gesture only to ourselves.