Monday, September 5, 2011


Ma'am discussed in class today:
"Say you have an imaginary friend in the head. An imaginary Stuti who you talk to all the time. Because you find her more interesting. Would you go to the real Stuti and go talk to her to check...:

Why is my life full of such ironic poignant situations? Why cant it be ironically pleasant and happy sittuations?

and to say that was the only peculiar incident that happened today wouldnt be true.

Earlier in the day, I had a dream. A rare one at that. Because she was in it. The first appearance maybe? Anyhow, I was expecting it. It was about time.
and it ended with her hating me and leaving me, and me yearning  for her to communicate. To tell me the problem. Eventually she faded out on the distances, through the terraced lands, into her own country , where her folks are and me turning around, almost in tears. And with a soundtrack.
and then I woke up. with the tune in my head. A tune which I've never heard. A tune which wasnt an external sound in a guise.An original tune. and for the first time , I noticed, we can make and hear sounds in our dreams.
Would we be able to hear music some day, without our ears? Does this hold true for other perceptions as well?

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