Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Suicide Note

There was no point. One line. Explains it all.
I know it wouldnt be sufficient. If you're reading it, you'll try to read into my life. Try to discern patterns that seem abnormal or out of sorts. That might give some indication Why I did this.How can I , a perfectly normal well thinking intelligent individual do this?
Please dont do that.I was not mentally disturbed or romantically frustrated. I didnt crumble under the pressure of studies or any expectations. I didnt crumble under my own expectations. (Though they were a little heavy at times)

The only thing that will come close to a succinct explanation is that . There was no point. The only point I did consider was my immediate relatives, I didnt want to put them in such a position.And that was the only thing keeping me.

Did I think too much? Could I not handle the absurdity and randomness and meaninglessness of life? No. to both. I am perfectly aware that what I could have done with my life.

Perhaps you'll think I came under the influence of passion, or it was a hasty moment of impulsive behavior. But you'll be again wrong.

I cannot possibly make you understand. You'll look at this text and shake your head. Say that I was deluding myself. That I led myself knowingly on a wrong path. That you should have taken more care of me, payed close attention.
yOU'LL probably say that I was mad and I didnt realise it and this text is a proof of that. But that is something I cannot convince you against, because whatever I say would be put in that framework. It is a paradox I cannot fight against.

What can you do to prevent such cases in future? Nothing. Heed my advice. There is nothing to prevent.

I did think of the consequences. I thought that I should leave room for my own human ignorance. Leave room for my own fallacies. That I shouldnt believe what i think or what I do. and Just continue as the wheels of the world turn.Just because I am uncertain, and i wouldnt be able to change my decision or come back to it. It is a big decision, and I should not take responsibility for it.
But not doing it, leaving room for my own fallability was a decision in itself. It was a heavier decision.It was a heavier responsibility. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Death was light and comfortable.

And for god's sake, or whatver notions you believe-in's sake, dont go on and read my emotionally charged psychotic blog posts and blame it on them. Please. This is my last request.
I cannot possibly make you understand. i know that. But I can demand a leap of faith on your side , on account of it being my last wish, and ask you to not ask questions, or to be more accurate, to give answers to questions that dont make sense.One such question you might think pertinent - Why did I do this?
Because there was no point.And thats all there is to it.

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