Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let there be Light....

The time is running out...18 years have gone by,yet I have not learnt anything that might be new to human civilisation...I have not done anything that is original,that no human has ever done...I still have no idea what is going on. Why are we here? WHY Am I here? WHO am 'I' ? WHAT is 'HERE' ? The universe? What is the universe?... WHY is the universe? When I say the time is running out,what is TIME? Where did it all began ? WHY did it all began?What is 'began' altogether?What was there 'before' the beginning ? What was before 'before the begining' ?(sounds contradictory?..It is.)
I have,at best,anoter 60-70 years to make a difference.Otherwise mine will me just one of the zillion of stories of little earthlings ,who came,and disappeared after finite no. of years,without finding THE ANSWER.

Meanwhile,I guess I'll go watch a movie. ;)


Rohan said...

Tell me frankly, even if you know all these answers would life be any different for you. Won't you still be doing all those things that you do now or will you change the course of life???
I personally believe life's a mystery and the creator of life was a poet (wtf???) and it's an insult asking the poet to explain a poem. So why don't you answer the questions based on what you know.
What time is??? I mean wtf?? You wasted time thinking about what time is...
Why do you wanna know all these absurd questions bro???

Piyush said...

Yes,Life would be very different to me.Life my not be life to me altogether. I will definitely change the course of my life (of whatever we call life).
Life's a mystry and the creator is a poet: such notions are only build because we dont know THE ANSWER.We try to evade that we dont know the answer.Ok i wont ask the poet t explain the poem.But i can atleas ask WHO IS THE POET? Why is the poet the poet?
And I am not wasting time thinking about it.(Infact I am not wasting anything,since 'time' itself is ambiguous,but that is anther case)
As for why I wanna know,I have already explained that else I/we will be just one of the zillions lives.There is no different between others as us,
BY the way,forget it dude,that was just TIME PASS..but now you asked me to explain myself,so I am forced to think about it.

pgm said...

piyush, do us a favour and watch a movie..
[I'm serious man!]
Orrrrrrr........ i dunno, why'd u publish this again?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

man, when i was a kid i used to get kinda depressed when i cudnt find answers to the questions of my curious mind like "Why do we live? What do we have to do in life? Why do we keep following a daily-routine? When did time start? What was happening before it started?(ultimately leading to how could time start?) and blah blah"....... at last i stopped thinking about all dat... coz how duz it matter to get answers to all these questions.... the only aim of my or anyone's life is to live it and to live it with maximum enjoyment and pleasure(some get it from knowledge, some from sports and many from sex.. lol) and ultimately die........
Chill Marr......

Siddharth Bhattacharya said...

@ piyush:
u may not be able to change the course of life and time by getting the answers ,anyways you aren't an astronaut Piyush to research on time and space.
However @ Divyam, Rohan
: They are one in billions ,the unselfish ones who can 'use' the time in their life to think of this rather than just going through the monotonic daily routine of life. You should cheer and appreciate these ppl and not inspire them to live life the ordinary way