Thursday, July 7, 2011

Einmal ist keinmal

After a long hiatus from blogging, here I am , in Mumbai, in an IITB hostel, with one part of  my mind urging me to go out in the rain and brood over the happenings and non-happenings of the past year. The rest of my mind, the Kingdom of Procrastination, is trying its best to suppress the rebellion. It would have had, too, had its arsenal of weapons not been  compromised by the better part of my brain. The weapons like Game of Thrones, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, ALIAS, and House.The main weapon,the WMD, Chuck, has been exhausted and is out.

So yes, here am I, as a result of a treaty between the Kingdom of Procrastination and the independent intellectual rebels, overlooked by the Ministry of Lazyness and Indoor Comfort. It was decided at the treaty that the rebels would extinguish their flame of adventure and romance, and lay down their arms to the ministry, in return for a safe passage to this blog, where the aforementioned brooding can take place in a carefully monitored environment. It was readily accepted to the rebels too, for the meditations in the rain are transient and unstable -guided by adventure and romance, they lose themselves in time and space, like tears in rain. 

In other words, I am back !

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