Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yours Sincerely

Mr. Hofstadter

I am a student in India and I've just read partly the preface to GEB. I am sure you've recieved numerous emails like these, and even more numerous (if that means something) emails which were more articulate, more serious, more knowledgable and added to your insights about mind and consciousness.

I just wanted to convey How I am feeling right now after reading the preface.It is a feeling which is in-convey-able through language, and yet through these inadequate words, through these lack of ability of language I want to convey the essence of what I am feeling. 
The questions you raise and the way you deal with them are something that have troubled me and whom I've played with  since childhood , yet at have not discussed them at length with anyone. I am not a student of logic or philosophy, and neither I have ever undertaken any effort to convey my own thoughts about this.But after reading your writing , I somehow feel scandalized that my thoughts have already been thought by someone before me, that they are not unique. Even though I feel so,  I also have  a kind of happy feeling that I am cherishing - that I am not alone with these thoughts - about strange loops, being and conciousness, unanswerable-in-our-own-logic-frame questions and so on.

 "It sometimes feels as if I had shouted a deeply cherished message out into an empty chasm and nobody heard me."

I've felt so my entire life, especially because of reading all sorts of philosophy yet not encountering anything related to strange loops, paradoxes, and logic.

I am certainly a big fan, and even though I dont expect you to come across this mail, it is something that my strange loop felt like doing. Maybe, through following these strange insticts of our strange loops, we might get answers to questions our conscious selves are raising.

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