Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Who Am I?

1.My name is Piyush.
2.When I say I am human I mean I believe that I am human. Same goes for all other such assertions, like when I say my name is Piyush. When I say I believe in X, I  mean I believe that it is highly likely X is true,but it always might be otherwise. Which takes you into a strange loop , because its a recursive definition.
3.I think answer to life, universe and everything lies in concepts like infinity and recursion. These illustrate the limits or inadequacy of human thinking, and separate us from the dark areas which we dont know about.
4.I like watching stars, since early childhood. I feel a deep-seated emotional connect to them. Space is another area where I believe  lies the next step of evolution, the next frontier. Theres much to know about the universe.
5.I hate the fact that most of my thoughts and philosophies have already been explored by others.It makes me less unique in some way.
 6.I like observing the beauty and elegance in randomness and coincidences.
7.I think life is a miracle. The concept that I have evolved from a tiny sperm about 21 years ago till date is something I find overwhelming and miraculous.
8.I like rains. I've not used an umbrella ever since I entered college.
 9.Lately, I've started believing in the concept of Love. I've noticed the unconditional pure love existing between humans and animals, and I find it beautiful.
10.I love to travel, but I havnt been able to as much I'd wanted. I want to explore the whole world, meet new cultures, and new people.
11.I think life is a pursuit of happiness and creating good memories. There are many different kinds of happiness, and the happiness found after a long absence of happiness is one of the best ones.
12.I like watching and playing sports. Achieving something like scoring a goal or so, gives you one of the best kinds of happiness.
13.If I were someone else watching me, I'd hate me.I dont like my voice. Lately, watching myself on television has made me painfully realise this.
14.I like to think a lot, but I've realised that I shoudnt. It makes me indecisive and less spontaneous. So lately I've started acting impulsively and instinctively.
15.This exercise is pointless.

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