Friday, January 14, 2011

Ramblings - II

I have a huge respect for those who bond with animals. Because its a friendship beyond beyond any gender, racial, colour bias . Its a friendship without any expectations or judgments. It is beyond language.

Its a pity that I've never shared a relationship like this. I try to, but somehow they never warm up to me.Maybe they're able to read by deep rooted inhibitions? Maybe my body language throws them off. I dont know.

"If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them. " - Phil Pastoret

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Winter of My Discontent

In the end, its only me who will last. These friendships are going to crumble,one by one, bit by bit. One or two may survive, but then, I have had a history of loosing touch. Of moving on.One of my professors once said that the more friends she adds on facebook, the more lonely she feels.Right now, I can totally relate to that feeling.
Its ironic how I feel more lonely here than I ever felt during some of the solitary sojourns I had in England.  I was from a different culture, different country - but I was never an outcast.
Its the same feeling I get when I feel homesick at home. As they say, home is where heart is - and mine is always wandering in far-off places.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Good Times

Last Day. Dont wanna leave. Dont wanna whine.
Time to wake up. Back to the concentration camp..Back to reality.