Saturday, July 16, 2011

Of Idealism Lost and Growing Up

Today I experienced a sudden desire to get back in touch with hindi. Alright .Not so sudden..Partly brought about by Shuvi and her love for all things Indian.She directed me to this site ,which is basically a desi analog of grooveshark.and thus I undertook  a journey of nostalgia and descended down both in time and my own psychology.  It  led to  the epiphany that I've totally abandoned my mothertongue - the language which I make myself believe I speak daily and the one with which I've been brought up in my home.The one in which I once exhibit such expertise, that I used to single handedly solve the Hindi Crossword in Chandigarh Bhaskar. From those heights of language proficiency, I've plummeted to a depth where I can barely make the wild card in Hindi Samiti events .Those rare occasions where I  do answer a riddle or a blank in Word Games, are followed by show of celebration that might give someone the impression that I've won the Nobel prize.
But I'm digressing.Where was I - ah yes. the site. I immediately developed a liking for the site and dug out my favorite hindi songs from the long lost memories of a not-so-distant past. Right now I am listening to Lucky Ali, and his music and songs inspired a thought in me, for which l logged in . Unfortunately, for me and for you, in my effort to give this post a structure and a systematic introduction, I've forgotten the original idea altogether.Except that it had something to do with the song O Sanam.or Anjaani Raahon Mein. Beautiful songs, arent they? I've loved them ever since I first heard them back when I was about 7 years old.And they never lose their charm - no matter how many times I hear them.
I used to get all dreamy whenever I heard them as a little kid. Dreaming of an epic love from a previous life or of a love yet to come.or both. Of journeys and wanderings. Of beautiful things to explore and emotions and ideas to unravel. Where did that idealism and romanticism gone? I miss it so much. 
A pity . Isnt it?
Dayaa - as Bharat would say.

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